
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Governor of Minnesota defends Adrian Peterson in criminal charges -

Adrian Peterson is headed to court to fight charges that he resisted arrest on July 6. The Governor of Minnesota spoke out on July 18, defending Peterson’s honor in the event.

Gov. Mark Dayton defended Peterson as "an upstanding citizen and really fine role model." He also said that an off-duty officer in plainclothes who looks like a bouncer shouldn't necessarily expect to be treated like an officer.

The charges indicated that an off-duty police officer, working as a bouncer in nightclub Peterson was at, asked the Minnesota Vikings’ star to leave after close. He then claimed Peterson pushed him and immediately placed the running back under arrest.

Peterson denied the charges.

"I didn't push, shove, touch anything to anyone that night, especially an officer," Peterson said. "I definitely don't have a problem with the Houston P.D. This involves two individual officers that I have an issue with. Once everything is settled and (comes) to a head, the truth will come out."

Peterson goes to court to face the charges on August 6 in Houston, Texas.

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